Dreamworks Garage
1808 35 St SE, Calgary, AB T2B 0W7
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Excellent quality service. Awesome deals with reliable services.

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Our family uses O...

Our family uses Orlando all of the time and he only uses genuine JDM parts when he worked on our car. Good work, good price. Only negative I can say is the car took an extra day longer than promised so -1 star for that.

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Garage doesn't lo...

Garage doesn't look like much but you're not there because it's a pretty garage. You're there to get the car fixed. These guys do really good work at a very reasonable price and super quick. Wouldn't hesitate to use again.

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Kendra M


So, this place is actually in the old Tropicana Bar, not that I have ever been to the Tropicana, but its incredibly difficult to find Bay 1 as the building is full of Tropicana ads, and a tiny printed page is in the far back door to say "Bay 1" Out of sheer desperation, I entered this door. If you do make the mistake of actually walking in you will find the mechanic smoking at his desk which is not only illegal but disgusting. He will then ask you to pull your car in to the building via a very sketchy door that he has to manually open and hold for you while you drive in wishing you had the gall to switch to reverse and just leave. The door will crash closed behind you as he lets it go. This is when concerns about realistically never seeing the light of day again will begin to arise. He will then do a minimal job of looking over your car. His cigarette will be hanging from his mouth as you sit there trying not to vomit. He will then charge you $60 for an insurance inspection that he informed you on the phone would cost $50. Fearing for your life otherwise, you will pay the $60 and hope the creaky crash door opens again so you can leave. IF you are not desperate to get your vehicle inspected DONT GO to Bay 1. Its in Forest Lawn, which I suppose could have been the whole review and people would have inferred the story from there.

Service: 1/5
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