Primary health care, mental health care and health promotion throughout the community in the counties of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell.
Primary health:
* Physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, chiropractors
* Medical consultations (by appointment only)
* Periodic health exams for babies, children, adults and seniors
* Medical follow-ups
* Screening, vaccination, laboratory services (blood tests)
* Nursing care
* Consultations with dietitians, evaluation of eating habits
* Diabetes Education Program
Mental health:
* Therapists, social workers, psychologist
* Support, evaluation, guidance
* Individual, couples and family therapy
* Therapy groups and workshops
Community health:
* Health promotion
* Healthy lifestyle habits
* Community development
* Fall and injury prevention
* Chronic disease prevention
* Introduction to physical activity
Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions workshop
Green Food Box (fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price)
Leisure clubs (cards, knitting and bean bag toss)
Walking clubs
Workshops and conferences for seniors
Various nutrition workshops and conferences
Various exercise groups
Various weight management groups
Community gardens
Fall prevention program for seniors
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