Launched in 2010, FreshCo.’s commitment is to provide the best discount grocery shopping experience by offering quality fresh food at low prices and with less compromise.
I was there November 30, 2022 at approximately 11:30 a.m.
I had over 16 items. The 16 Items or Less Line was out. I waited for a cashier to notice me.
An elderly cashier all but gave me an eye roll, opened the cash, processed my purchases, clearly annoyed.
The only conversation that occurred was "Do you have a Scene card?", the total. No offer of bags, nothing.
The same cashier swatted my hand away as the debit machine didn't accept my tap, debit card. So rude, violent!
I had a horrible experience at FreshCo Whitby on Brock Street with an extremely rude cashier. The worst customer service experience when a cashier has the nerve to tell you that you are not packing your groceries fast enough to her satisfaction. I use to do most of my shopping at Sobeys and No Frills but had started going more frequently FreshCo. Time to go back where the customer is treated with dignity, respect and appreciation for their business!
Sale Items of Pillsbury 8 pack crescent rolls not available and replaced by 4 pack at almost 3 times the price. Stock put on a low shelf, right in front of sale sign in the same packaging as sale 8 pack making it near impossible for someone like me using a cane to bend down to obtain or realize the mistake in the product until I got home. Not a happy camper. Wanted to stock up on the sale item but ended up buying a product costing more than it is worth at an inflated price. Too hard to return.
Worst grocery store experience; horrible management and staff was vague with questions asked. I didn't receive any useful help, it was messy AND their beans sprouts were low in stock!
I won't be going back