USEIT Technologies
Not yet open I will be serving Durham Region
USEIT Technologies has been in business since 1996
I fix Apples, Personal Computer's, and Unix/Linux Workstations and Servers
I fix the electronics and computers for various CNC, Exercise Equipment, Industrial and small shop Equipment.
I Network Homes and Business
My Labour rate is $44.25 + Tax ($50) per repair or hour for computer repairs
My Labour rate is $44.25 + Tax ($50) per hour for a basic home or company networks
Their are no exceptions to the tax except for Status Indians or Companies purchasing from us for resale.
Contact Information
Customer Email address:
Distributors and wholesalers of equipment can reach me at janetmerner@hotmail.com.
My work is guaranteed for 30 days, Unless otherwise agreed to by all parties
My guarantee is based on you following my recommendations.
I.E. If we cleaned computer viruses off your computer, and told you not to connect it to a network until you installed an anti-virus program, and you did not install an anti-virus program before connecting it, then your warranty is null and void.
My guarantee does not cover any error you or anyone else using your computer makes.
I.E. If you or someone else updates a driver and your machine crashes we are not responsible.
Criminal activity such as child porn, running web based or email based scams, and using a computer to commit fraud or illegal money transfers, will be immediately reported to the police.
All Software Below is Freeware the Media-player is finished and actually works under wine in Mandriva as well as Windows. Janets gmail interface is beta and partially finished, however it is a functional product I will be adding features to it in the future(I have not Updated it in a while) It is just a web-browser that loads fast for basic gmail stuff. You may download the software and use it to your hearts content. You cannot sell the software, claim it as your own or reverse compile it. If you put this software on a website you must download a copy to your site, not link to this site. If You put it on your site you must cite this site as being the original site and give credit to Janet Merner. I have two of the Lazarus Tutorials as a PDF download if you want more tutorial converted from web or wikkis let me know.
The Cisco Systems VT II Camera Driver uses the updated Logitech files as I have both cameras. I used DriverBackup to make the new driver.
Below are the Agere Firmware Driver and Update are for wavelan Cards that most Oems used for wireless networking. I am hosting these files here as older wavelan cards cannot used WPA-SK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Shared Key) and are only WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) capable. WEP is not secure anymore. It only took me 5 hours of waiting and two minutes of work to get into my old linksys using just WEP. I broke into my own router using tools available to anyone on the Internet. Read the help files included before using. <---- Important! Use these files at your own risk. ---> All I know for sure is they work on my Toshiba Satellite.
I urge anyone using WEP to stop and upgrade their equipment to WPA-SK most routers and wireless cards built after 2001 can use WPA-SK. Anyone within range of your network can access your network without your knowledge and use your computers and your connection to commit internet crimes. It will look as though you have committed these crimes as they will be originating from your Internet address.
Walking around in Durham Region using an android tablet I see most routers are secured with WPA. There are some people still using WEP which is extremely insecure and there are still a few people using no security on their routers. I want to remind these people that if a criminal gets on your local network and uses it for criminal activity you may be liable, plus all the files on your computers and wireless printer will be available to that person(s).