Waterproofing Windsor Area Homes For More Than 20 Years

One Stop Service
As a locally owned and operated Windsor waterproofing company, TRS handles everything at the foundation level. This includes basement waterproofing, exterior waterproofing, complete drainage work, excavation, foundation repair, basement lowering & underpinning, pool installations, cement work, and grading. With vast experience in each of these areas, you can be sure the problem your home is experiencing will be clearly understood and the appropriate solution will be applied.
Products and Applications
At TRS, we provide top-quality materials and service. Our expertise and ongoing training provide us with the knowledge to know what products, methods and applications work best for your home. We perform both interior and exterior safeguard solutions. While exterior solutions are typically the best for permanently repairing structural damage, interior repairs are sometimes used as a more cost effective solution.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
As a fully licensed and insured family owned and operated business serving the Windsor and Essex County region, we guarantee the satisfaction of our customers. Our long term relationships with our customers brings many positive referrals. We take great pride in the quality of our work and offer a 25-year warranty on all waterproofing and foundation jobs to prove it!
Services Area
Our service area includes Windsor, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Amherstburg, LaSalle, Tecumseh, and Lakeshore.