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Business listings in Outremont

Yellow Pages delivers complete business listings for in and near the Outremont, Quebec region. With the most comprehensive database of businesses online in Canada, Yellow Pages is your first choice for search. If your hometown is Outremont, discover the best user-reviewed products and services close to you, with .

Turn your home into a picture-perfect Thanksgiving Day setting with the ultimate accents and decorations. Here are the top shops in the city to find those one-of-a-kind pieces to capture the essence of the holiday.
The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colours and the orchards are blooming with beautiful apples just waiting to be plucked. Pack up your little ones (or your best pals!) and make the most of apple picking season at one of these orchards near Montreal.
No wardrobe should be without this one essential: the trench coat. This fall, the mid-season coat is reinvented and defies the classics to face the weather in style. It can be worn short, as a dress or decorated with a print. Here's where to find this timeless essential.
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