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Business listings in Sainte-Barbe
Yellow Pages Canada maintains extensive business listings for in and near the Sainte-Barbe, Quebec area. With the largest database of businesses found in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If your hometown is Sainte-Barbe, discover new independently reviewed products and services in your area, with Yellow Pages Canada.
Often under construction, Montreal is a city where orange cones are king. Motorists aren’t the only ones who suffer – on Saint-Denis St., between Duluth and Marie-Anne, merchants worry customers will avoid the area due to major construction planned throughout the year. We are very happy to offer you this list of restaurants to remind you that no matter how disruptive construction may be, they are always open. Support them!
Whether you want to make it a romantic experience, or you plan to share it with a friend or relative, a massage for two can be the most relaxing experience you’ve ever had. Here are some of the city’s best couples spa packages to choose from.
Looking to spice things up and ditch your usual dinner and movie plans this year? Here are some of the most unique and entertaining ways to celebrate Valentine’s in this fine city.