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Business listings in Sainte-Madeleine supplies full directory information for in and around the Sainte-Madeleine, Quebec area. With the most extensive listings of categories you can find in Canada, Yellow Pages gets you connected. If you’re near Sainte-Madeleine, find new user-rated businesses by your home, with .
Montreal’s fabled Saint-Laurent Boulevard, though once the city’s nightlife artery, has severely declined in recent years following prolonged road work that saw many businesses close up shop as restaurateurs and chefs took their business and talents elsewhere. Fret not though - amid the turmoil, one can still find a few gems here, from mainstays to newcomers.
Have you finished decorating your home, but feel that it lacks a little something? Have you thought about lighting? Beautiful lighting can sometimes make all the difference. Modern, vintage, industrial ... you have a choice! Here are some great places to shop for lighting.
The borough of Verdun, in the southwest part of Montreal, is brimming with small dining establishments. Mellanie Thibeault knows a thing or two about this, as she owns Verdun restaurant maison de thé Cha Noir. Here, she shares with us her favourite picks for spots where she likes to dine!