11 things you can do each day to honour Earth Day

April 19, 2017

by Jacques Bérubé

It’s Earth Day on April 22, and we think that’s a great reason to get out and celebrate with some Earth-friendly activities. Here are a few suggestions of small things we can do to celebrate our Blue Planet, our Mother Earth, our sacred land, this tiny planet that has propelled us for millions of years through the infinite cosmos.

11 things you can do each day to honour Earth Day

1. Planting a tree: a tradition!

Earth Day is the best excuse to plant a tree in the garden, in pots on your apartment patio, or convince your employers to do the same in the green spaces around your workplace, especially if it's in an industrial park. Find a suitable-sized tree and everything you'll need to plant it properly at your local garden centre.

2. Turn off the taps and repair leaks

Although we may well complain that it's always raining, we're fortunate enough to have plenty of water here. But that doesn't make it any less precious a resource. To avoid wasting water, try not to run the tap when brushing your teeth, or taking endless showers. Make the most of Earth Day by fitting low-flow aerators to your taps and shower heads. Most of these devices are available from your preferred hardware outlet. 

The advisors there can also tell you how to fix water leaks in taps and toilet cisterns. But if, like me, you're not the handy type, it's worth calling a professional plumber.

3. Other tips for saving water

To save water, simply make it go a little further. So for example, only starting the dishwasher when it's fully loaded, briefly rinse containers to be recycled, or collecting rainwater to water plants with. You can even wash the car without using a single drop of water, saving 150 to 250 litres each time. These waterless cleaning products are increasingly available from specialty stores such as Rona l’entrepôt, Vitroplus Ziebart or Canadian Tire.

5. A good restaurant to celebrate

Would you rather celebrate Earth Day at a restaurant? Why not take the opportunity to eat veggie and discover the fresh flavours of vegetables, sprouts, fruits and legumes? Just some of the fine veggie restaurants on offer in Montreal: Crudessence,  LOV Vego or the Panthère Verte.




6. "Useless junk"

The perfect day to get rid of all those electronic items that have become obsolete before their time. To locate your nearest depot, visit the website of the Quebec Electronics Recycling Association - ARPE or Recycle vert, whose mission is to help companies manage their old computer stock and obsolete peripherals.

7. Stop stockpiling semi-hazardous waste

Bacteria, dust, odours, dust mites... we're obsessed with cleanliness. In fighting these threats to our health, our homes are overflowing with cleaning products that are essentially stockpiles of semi-hazardous materials! There's a whole range of highly effective eco-friendly products to be found in most supermarkets, pharmacies and specialty shops including Bio Terre, Rachelle-Béry and Terre à soi.

8. Choose natural fibres over microfibres

All too often, we forget that the clothing industry is a major source of pollution. Why not take advantage of Earth Day to buy clothing made with natural fibres such as cotton, linen, hemp or wool?

Every time we wash our acrylic, nylon or polyester-based clothing, millions of microfibres escape into the water. These microfibres have been found in fish and seafood off the California coast.

9. Second hand stores and community outlets

Instead of throwing them away, why not give the clothes you no longer need to Emmaus, le Coffre aux Trésors du Chaînon, or the Entre Tes Mains second-hand store And before buying a new item of clothing, how about having a look through those same community outlets or in second hand stores? You might be surprised!

10. Use a dictionary instead of a search engine

Studies have shown that a single Google search is the equivalent of lighting a bulb for one hour. Maybe this is the opportunity to dust off a dictionary, or pick one up from your favourite bookseller favorite and rediscover the pleasures of flicking through a Larousse or Webster.

11. Travel differently and enjoy it

Commute to work on foot, by bike, public transport or carpooling. This is an opportunity to see your everyday landscape from a different perspective, to forget the potholes and traffic cones and chat with a neighbour, a colleague, a shop owner or even a random passer-by. And while you're walking, pedalling, or being publically transported, take the opportunity to pick up your eco-friendly products, stop by the bookseller and finish your day at the veggie restaurant. It’s an opportunity to reflect, to take your time, to get out of the infamous comfort zone.

And while you're walking, pedalling, or being publically transported, take the opportunity to pick up your eco-friendly products, stop by the bookseller and finish your day at the veggie restaurant. It’s an opportunity to reflect, to take your time, to get out of the infamous comfort zone.

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