Snacking has long been the enemy of diets and healthy lifestyles. Here are a few tips for snacking without ruining the progress you made by eating healthy otherwise:
October 9, 2015
Snacking has long been the enemy of diets and healthy lifestyles. Here are a few tips for snacking without ruining the progress you made by eating healthy otherwise:
In food-industry lingo, energy doesn't mean vim and vigour; it means calories. That's what "energy bars" are.
Snack chip manufacturers fall all over themselves to entice you with new flavourings, backed up with glitzy advertising campaigns and fancy packaging. Mesquite this, sour-cream-and-onion that.
Are you or your kids engaged in a constant struggle to resist those tantalizing chips, dips and frozen desserts beckoning from the refrigerator and pantry? Here's a simple secret that the junk food manufacturers hope you don't catch on to: once these foods have crossed the threshold of your house, they have already won the battle. Most likely, if you've bought it, you'll eat it. So the place to start just saying "no" is at the store.
Of course, we are always going to "slip up" and have a bag of chips or other unhealthy snack. If you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle outside of this, these little slips are okay. Use these tips to change up your snacking on a regular basis -- you'll feel a lot better for it!
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