3 tasty reasons to add more peppers to your diet

October 9, 2015

Including peppers in your meals not only adds flavour, but a ton of health benefits. Here's just three reasons why they should be a staple in your cooking and diet.

3 tasty reasons to add more peppers to your diet

1. They're loaded with vitamins and nutrients

  • Volume for volume, peppers are a better source of vitamin C than citrus fruits.
  • One medium green pepper provides more than 100 percent of the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C.
  • A green pepper supplies only about 45 RE (Retanol Equivalents) of beta carotene, compared to 438 RE of beta carotene in red peppers.
  • Peppers supply smaller amounts of vitamin B6 and folate.

2. They can reduce your risk for cancer and other diseases

  • Deeply coloured peppers are high in biofla­vo­noids, plant pigments that help prevent cancer.
  • They're also contain high amounts of phenolic acids, which inhibit the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines.
  • Deeply-coloured peppers are also loaded with plant sterols, precursors of vitamin D. These are believed to protect against cancer.
  • Peppers also supply lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration.

3. They come in a myriad of colours and flavours

  • The four-lobed bell peppers are the most common of the sweet varieties in North America.
  • Depend­­­­­ing on­ the degree of ripeness, peppers range in colour from green to yellow to red.
  • Those picked while green will not become red because peppers ripen only on the vine.
  • Peppers grow sweeter as they ripen. Red ones are sweeter than yellow ones, and yellow ones are sweeter than green ones.
  • Other varieties of peppers include banana peppers, cubanelles and orange-red pimientos.

4. They go great with almost anything

  • Peppers can be steamed, roasted, stuffed and baked or served raw in a salad.
  • They're delicious served alongside other vegetables and a delicious low-fat dip.
  • Steaming, stir-frying and other fast cooking methods don't significantly lower their nutritional value.

Peppers are loaded with vitamins and disease-fighting properties, but that's not the only reason to eat them. Peppers, it turns out, are delicious and can add flavour to almost any dish.

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