Pain is hard to explain and finding the right medication can be a difficult trial and error process. Here are some ways to describe pain to your doctor and some safer medicines you might want to try.
October 2, 2015
Pain is hard to explain and finding the right medication can be a difficult trial and error process. Here are some ways to describe pain to your doctor and some safer medicines you might want to try.
Pain is so subjective that it's often difficult to describe to other people, including doctors. It's also impossible to measure — there is no "pain" chemical or virus you can test for. So doctors often rely on simple rating systems as a way to determine the intensity of your pain. They often are as easy as rating your pain on a scale from 1 to 10, or picking a drawing of a face that best portrays the pain level (they range from smiling happily to crazy grimacing). Another way doctors monitor pain is through nonverbal indicators, such as these.
Next time you have a headache or your arthritis flares, stop before you swallow those mainstay medicines of pain relief:
Explaining your discomfort and finding a safe medication can be difficult but it's not impossible! Remember the nonverbal ways to explain your pain and keep these safer remedies in mind.
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