Trying to get out of debt? Don't despair. There are tons of small things that you can do to prevent yourself from going bankrupt, check them out.
October 9, 2015
Trying to get out of debt? Don't despair. There are tons of small things that you can do to prevent yourself from going bankrupt, check them out.
Let's say you have $5,000 of debt built up on a high interest rate credit card (perhaps 18 percent) and you also have a $50,000 home equity loan at eight percent interest. You only have so much money to devote to paying down loans each month, so which of these debts should get priority?
Ask for a life raft.
Here's something that you'll never hear from a Visa or Mastercard customer service rep: if you owe so much money on your credit cards that you're seriously considering bankruptcy, chances are the credit card companies will strike a deal with you.
Here's what you have to do, according to Laurie Campbell, executive director of the non-profit debt counselling agency Credit Canada:
Easily retrieve their info anytime you need it on any of your devices