Chinese Energy Healing, Chinese Energy Massage Therapy, Naturotherapy, Chinese Energy Massage, Cellular Reprogramming, Phythotherapy, Cure Accompaniment, Infrared Equipment Approved By Health Canada, Ionized Alcaline Water, Water Ionization Systems
With a degree in Chinese energy medicine, the professional and experienced therapist offers a wide range of services, such as, massage therapy, naturotherapy, and holistic medicine...more...See more text
1280 Rue King Est,Suite 120, Sherbrooke, QCJ1G 1E4Get directions
INVIVA is Canada's only nationally accredited infusion network with patient-centric clinics. We administer specialty and biologic drugs and offer nursing services in various therap...more...See more text
200-1280 rue King E, Sherbrooke, QCJ1G 1E4Get directions
Breast Biopsy, Medical Imagery, Mammography, Bone Densitometry, Conventional X-Rays, Ultrasound And Doppler
Centre Radiologique Sherbrooke provides mammography, bone densitometry, and conventional X-ray services. Our team is quick and efficient, so your doctor should get your results on ...more...See more text